His timing, NEVER ours.

savannah • Married mum of 6 children including a set of twin boys. Bfp 23rd May. Due 02/02/2020. Baby #7 42 years old 🙏Thank you Jesus. You have never failed us

Hi sisters.

I would like to share my little story.

We have been ttc for almost 6 months. I’m 42 so every month was like the end of the world.

Every day I prayed but every month I got my period.

Last cycle (May) whilst I was praying I was compelled to fall to my knees. I sobbed, I screamed, I asked why?

Within moments I heard. “My timing not yours”

This was mid May.

I felt a sudden reassurance. Somehow I didn’t question it like I always do. For some reason I lifted my hands and gave it to Him.

I had lifted my hands in prayer for years but deep down I must have relied on my own strength instead of His will.

I got my bfp on 23rd of May and today I’m 5 weeks and one day pregnant.

I am confirmation that it is NEVER our timing but ALWAYS HIS timing.

I pray you will surrender to the one and only Lord of Lord and king of kings and allow Him to work miracles in your life.

In Jesus name,
