What would you do?


So I have this friend that has had a rough upbringing. Her little sister had cancer while she was growing up and thank God she is finnally in remission. But they would move constantly, constantly worrying about bills. She was never really aloud to be a kid cause she had so much to worry about. Now we are both around the age of 21, she is getting married on the 22 of this month, and her whole life she has had to work around others schedules (her parents or roommates) The person she is currently living with (was a friend before moving in) is expecting her to also be a stay at home babysitter and this was never talked about before she moved in as she and her fiance both pay rent there. When she brought up her concerns about wanting to better her life and get a 9 to 5 office job where she has health benifits and more opportunities to move up it was shot down. And now her roomate is saying that her wedding doesnt matter. Her and her fiance currently do not have the funds to move out and they are not on the lease. What options does she have, or should she just keep her head down?