I need advice

So my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years. He’s a few years older than me and has already graduated high school, however he has not pursued getting a higher degree. I love him dearly and can’t imagine my life without him, but there’s a lot coming up in my life and I don’t know what to do or if things are even going to work out between us.

I’m headed off to university across the country within the next 3 months, and he’s still working the same low-end job he had when we first met. Some months he barely scrapes by. I know I shouldn’t judge him because we grew up with VERY different circumstances, but sometimes I feel like he just isn’t putting in any effort to change his ways.

I’ve encouraged him to take courses online, or even just to take a year off and move back home with his parents in order to save up some money to go to school (his dad has offered to help him out) and get a degree. He often brushes me off and tells me he will do it when he has the chance, but I’m frustrated because its been almost 2 years and NOTHING has changed.

I’m questioning what is going to become of us when I go away for school, and I am wondering what you would do in my situation. Would you stay with him and wait to see if he changes, or break up with him before it gets worse ?