Birth story/NICU update 😪

Michelle • Married to A 💞 Mom to E - 5/27/19 💕 and I - 12/19/20 💖

Was due May 28th, and was starting to give up hope on her coming on time! I went to the bathroom at 2AM on May 27th which seemed normal until I wiped and saw blood. Up until this point, I had no mucus plug, no bleeding, nothing telling me it was time for baby anytime soon.

I called to my husband to call the doctor since we have a 2 hour drive to the hospital and she said just wait until 6AM and meet at her office to get checked. Tried to go back to sleep but the contractions said no. Looking back now, I think I just forgot how period cramps feel! Kinda dozed off here and there until 5AM to get husband off to do some last minute things for work and the home. Doctor checked at 6AM, only 2 centimeters dilated.

Left and met back with her at 7AM and rode with her to hospital for reclining seats, husband followed in the truck. 9AM we get checked in and settled. At this point I'm joking like 'yea, I'm ready for the epidural.' HA, little did I know what was to come. So we opted for the private hospital which doesn't allow your husband in the room if there is someone next to you. However, since I don't speak the language here, they were very understanding and let him in. He left when the other lady was getting checked, something he felt like doing out of respect for her. She eventually left for her scheduled csection around 11AM.

Fast forward to around 12PM, I'm tired and at 4 centimeters, they break my water to speed things up. I'm sleeping between contractions but at that point, I was definitely waiting for the epidural which you have to be 5 centimeters to get. The worst part had to be her checking my cervix constantly. I was on the verge of crying.

Then the bomb was dropped. Just the epidural was $400. This is also a hospital where you pay before you leave, and there's no insurance coverage. Already our bill was $800 since we chose to have her there, which doesn't seem like much but of course, us being us we wanted to save. So I'm at 5 centimeters and they ask one last time, I said no.

Now I was even more worried. I wish it was more of like some stories where you get to the hospital already ready to push and you have no choice but to skip the epidural. Nope. Instead, I sat there for the next 8 hours feelings everything. At 8PM I opened my legs and literally begged for a cervix check, I was desperate and screaming at them to get her out of me.

9 centimeters dilated, we started pushing in the normal beds with the rails, her head was not coming! We had 20 minutes left before they were ready to do the csection. The next push they saw her hair so they moved me to the next room with the stirrups and huge alien UFO light and threw a blanket on top of me and told me not to stop pushing. Felt like an actual movie. 3 quick pushes and screaming and she was out at 8:44PM.

I felt her head for a second, but there was no breathing in between the pushes and I was so focused on pushing her out, the only way I really knew she was coming was the doctor, nurses and my husband screaming to keep pushing and that her head is out and then I felt her body flop out.

My husband, who refused to look down there during it, was recording everything and taking photos and coming back up to me to show me and going back down to watch. I swear I think I got through it because of his excitement and energy, despite us being exhausted. I remember at one point he said "I feel so happy, I feeling like I'm going to cry" and he is NOT an emotional husband so that was so shocking to me.

As for baby, she breathed in some meconium so they took her immediately to get checked. I didn't get to hold her or see her at all. My husband saw her and went with them to clean her up and he took some photos. At 11PM, they moved us to our private room upstairs to sleep, eat and shower and the nurse promised me she would watch her good all night. She was on oxygen and we were hoping for good news in the morning.

Next morning, I slept from exhaustion but not well from worry so I was still out of it. We were ready to check out and were hoping for good news to take her. Husband woke up early around 8 to go see her in the morning and texted me that we weren't taking her home. 😪

She was being transferred to another hospital with an amazing NICU. Which worried me more because they think she needed that. Husband went with her in the ambulance, I stayed in the room. Husband came back around 11 and we just napped until 4PM and decided what to do and checked out.

We got to go see her in the NICU at the other hospital for 5 minutes. We decided to go back home and not pay a hotel. We live almost 2 hours away and in the NICU we could only see her for 5 minutes. I truly saw the love my husband had for her for driving 4 hours every day for 5 minutes of seeing her in her incubator.

We couldn't hold her or touch her, just look for 5 minutes and ask all the questions we could fit in that time. No photos either.

Well we showed up yesterday June 1, and I told my husband I felt weird, and when we went to check in and disinfect, we found out they moved her to the normal nursery earlier that morning ❤❤

She is off the oxygen and healthy. I got to hold her for the first time and I have no words. 😭❤ my husband cried, I felt so relieved. I'm going we can bring her home tomorrow, or Tuesday at the latest! We are able to spend as much time as we want and feed her and walk around with her. I'm so ready for her to be home ❤