In the delivery room right now... :(

My face is red from crying all night. I am exhausted and tired and even just angry. I feel like my body is failing me. I came to the hospital yesterday for a 37w check up and that’s when the doctor told me that my water appears to be leaking. They’ve given me 24 to see if my labor comes on naturally. I have about 6 hours left and I have barely any contractions. I can’t be induced because I’ve had a c section 3 years ago. I built it up in my head that this time I’d have a “normal” vaginal delivery. I hated the recovery last time and I’m just dreading going through it all again. And just to make things even more stressful for me, my doctor (who is supposed to be one of the best in my city), will not be able to deliver me due to last minute travel plans!! I feel so abandoned and mad that he left without even telling me!!! I’ve been seeing him all throughout the pregnancy and made my birth plan with him and now I’ll be assigned a random doctor from the hospital. I have a million things going through my mind. I feel sorry for myself for not being able to be more positive. I’m sorry that this post is basically just one long rant but I am just so overwhelmed and so sad my baby will be born when I’ve had one of the worst days so far :(!!!!!