What should I do?

I won’t be replying to anyone’s comment because I want this to be kept as confident as possible please. Here’s the story: I’ve been with my now fiancé for 7 months. We just got engaged last week. He’s been seeming very angry. He got mad at his daughter because she was cranky today due to not having a nap and slammed her room door and broke it (she’s 1) and I felt like he also spanked her really hard, harder than normal. He got mad at me tonight because we didn’t have sex I’m exhausted I been up with his two kids since 7 this morning. He sits and plays video games every chance he gets before work, after work, every weekend he don’t see his kids because he’s always on the game and not focusing on his family. Tonight he got mad that we didn’t have sex. I didn’t want to argue so I ignored him and went to bed. He started touching me and I said no. I passed out and he kept touching me and pulling on my pillow and trying to wake me up. when I woke up and was going to go sleep on my couch ,He then got into my face and was yelling at me saying I’m rude and that his kids don’t deserve me and that I am with him for his money. I love this guy and don’t know what to do. :( I don’t want to leave my dad thinks I should because we always fight and it’s unhealthy, but we always have good days and we are engaged. I don’t know that to do? 😭 it’s very hurtful

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