Braxton Hicks

So I’ve seen quite a few posts about this, so sorry about the repetitive nature (FTM here and totally clueless about all of this!) I’m assuming what I’ve been experiencing is also BH - what feel like period cramps here and there and also some (sorry TMI) period poops (they’re like exactly the same as when I’m on my period, which is lovely). Now my question is should I be timing and keeping track of them? I’m 34+3 today. Also I think I’m having difficulty identifying a true start and stop time to them - it’s almost like they gradually come on and then fade away (which is also why I’m not sure if it’s even BH or if it’s just random cramping). Should I just guesstimate and when I feel them enough start timing and then stop when they go away enough?

Anyone else also experiencing this/have any additional thoughts?