Intimacy with my SO while children are in the house


I just cant seem to turn my "mom brain " off and find it very difficult to be intimate with my husband when I am so aware of our children sleeping in the next room. I haven't always been like this and its gotten to the point where I really just dont want to have sex when our children are home( and they are always home).

The few times we have tried I had to stop at every sound I heard and make sure the kids are still sleeping,we then have to start all over again and never end up finishing because I cant get back in the mood. It's not fun any more. I'm paranoid that they will walk in on us or hear us and now that my oldest daughter is 12 she is probably fully aware of what's going on and I just don't want it to be a "thing" that she remembers or scar her in the future, my stomach even churns when I think about her "catching us".

Any help? Has anyone gone through this or is it just my anxious mind?