

I am in so much pain today. Contractions, hip pain, back pain, pooping, peeing. All things my doctor has told me are normal at this point. I’m 33.5 weeks and have my 34 week check up today. Today has been the worst day for pain thus far into my pregnancy. My doctor has given me remedies such as magnesium to help relax my muscles, recommended epsom salt baths before bed, hydration, recommended exercises to help with the pain, I have done yoga my entire pregnancy, and a heating pad. My husband and I had sex last night and after that the contractions were almost enough to send me L&D but I was finally able to fall asleep so it all was good according to the doctor on call. She told me “lay down and relax and if you’re able to fall asleep and stay asleep then follow up in the morning. If not, in about 30-45 minutes or so or if contractions get worse then head to L&D.” That is what i was told. I woke up and my hips and lower back have been excruciatingly painful all day and the heating pad isn’t helping I am fully aware that now i probably need to second guess sex or at least me having an orgasm.

I am hoping today my doctor still tells me all of this pain and discomfort is still normal, gives me some new ideas or pain relief remedies that will help with the discomfort and affirms i only have 6 ish weeks left and it will be here before I know it because right now it seems like it is forever away and i am so uncomfortable. I know this is what pregnancy is and what we signed up for but, as we all know it is easy to get stuck in your own head and only see the negative. Just some positive affirmations at this point would be nice.