sleeping schedule


hello mommas! my sons sleeping patterns are all over the placešŸ˜£ some days heā€™ll nap twice a day others 3 & sometimes even once! then when it comes to night time every single night is different some days heā€™ll sleep through the night, others heā€™ll wake up 1-3 times to eat but falls right back asleep. & then thereā€™s the nights where he decides to wake anywhere from 3-5 a.m & ready to play. last night he woke up at 3 a.m & I couldnā€™t get him back to sleep until 6 am. Then he sleeps in until 1p.m & that just isnā€™t any good for me cause I end up sleeping in too cause Iā€™m so exhausted šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

Our typical bedtime is anywhere from 10-11:30 p.m

Iā€™ve tried putting him down earlier but when I do that he is up multiple times a night trying to play

Idk what Iā€™m doing wrong I have a nighttime routine for him that we do every single night

I feed him purƩes 2-3 times a day.

is anyone in the same boat? How do you get your LO to sleep better šŸ˜«