What is this?!


I miscarried on May 1st at 6 weeks 5 days. My doctor hasn’t been the most helpful and although my husband has been amazingly supportive, I’ve felt very alone from a medical standpoint. Anyways in order to make this short, I’ll tell a condensed version of my story. I believe that I had an incomplete miscarriage but my doctor was hesitant to diagnose it as that because she didn’t believe that their was enough tissue built up in my uterus to constitute that. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My HCG was pretty slow to decline and was only down to 61 on May 24th. Anyways, I haven’t bled in 2 weeks and today I went to the restroom and when I wiped, I had passed a small bit of tissue(picture below). I have no idea if this is normal since I’ve never experienced a miscarriage before and my doctor isn’t talking me through things to expect. Any help would be great as I’m currently freaking out over this.