Hello lovely ladies any advice would be great to put my mind at ease.


I'm 24 I'm trying for my third baby. 10 months off the mirena coil 10 months actually planning to conceive...

So currently in the 2ww. I'm on 10dpo. My AF is due on Friday the 7th. ..since the 31st I have had severe boob hurtage..not quite like pms. I have been feeling wet down there ever since ovulation and just feeling off and bloated I'm eating way way more than I should be. So I'm 10 dpo. And today I am currently suffering with sharp stabbing pains in my lower back and I checked my bits and I pulled out my finger and I have blood ..u just credit over not having any milk and I mean crying breakdown and it's usually a sign that I'm due for AF if I have a sudden cry but over no milk 😢 I have attached pics Its of my cycle and of a wipe with the light blood from today .. ps it's doesn't smell like AF blood... but after I check my Cervix I get a sudden pain in my uterus and been getting cramps since day 1 dpo.

Any advice or thought please as I'm really confused is my peripd early surely not by 3 days

I have put pad on to check my flow hopefully it won't last long xx