C/section questions?!

Chelsea • LRK 5.30.16💖 MGK 7.5.19💙

Hi all. I am 34 weeks pregnant with my boy, and I also have a 3 year old daughter. I delivered her vaginally, but with this baby there is a decent chance that he will have to be delivered by C-section. I’m not opposed to a C-section, I just want him to be healthy but I have some questions since I’ve never had one. If anyone can answer these I’d be so grateful!

1. after a C section, how long is recovery time in the hospital? Hours? Days? How long is the recovery time at home?

2. Is there anything different you have to do at home after a C section? Keep the incision clean? Do you have to go back to the dr so they can check the scar?

3. In reference to question 1, can you see your baby immediately after?

4. How many people are typically allowed in the operating room?

5. Do the nurses still come and give that awful massage on your abdomen for the afterbirth? How does the placenta come out?

6. Will breastfeeding be more difficult?

Sorry if these seem like dumb questions, I just want to be prepared! Thanks in advance!