Having cerclage done tomorrow

M • Happily married. Girl mom 💗💗💗

Went today for an anatomy scan. Said baby looks great. 18w3d. She is big and low. I’ve been having my cervix measured every two weeks and have been on progesterone. Two weeks ago my cervix was 3.6 and today it was 2.2.

To make matters worse my cervix is only showing a small amount outside and they said along with multiple stitches they need to move my vagina ?? What does that even mean??

Does anyone have experience with this ?

The doctor said I could leave the stitches in if they didn’t end up bothering me in case I wanted to get pregnant again, I wouldn’t need to have them put back. I would need a c-section.

Does having them in make it harder to get pregnant again?

Anyone have any experiences they can share or advice?