Why isn’t this talked about more, miscarriage


Morning all. I know it’s a sensitive topic for most and everyone’s experience is different.

Last week I got a positive, then I started bleeding. I had no clue what was happening and the doctor told me bleeding is common in early pregnancy or your going to miscarry. He wasn’t harsh or cold. He told me the facts and had compassion at the same time, I appreciated that. My blood test came back negative and he said I probably started miscarrying right before my appointment, I would’ve been about 6 weeks. He told me while this is upsetting, it is also common and I’m still healthy, but he understood it hurt.

Being me I turned to google for trying to find out more. My friends have been supportive and I’ve heard many “me too” stories and sympathies. But online I really struggled to find information and stories. This is my first, and I feel for all those who have had multiple.

It shouldn’t be something that is shunned. I wish more people talked about it, the mixed emotions, the loss, the pain, etc and not just “you should be happy it was so early on”- but I still lost a pregnancy, or “just relax, you’re young, it will happen when it happens”- but why can’t I stop and discuss what is happening now, what I’m feeling now?

Maybe others will disagree, and that’s fine. I just wish more information and willingness to discuss this is out there. That way others can understand and not feel in the dark and unprepared like I did.

For those going through it, you’re not alone, it hurts. For those who might experience it, ask for support and talk to others if you need it, you’ll probably be surprised by how many people you know have experienced it.