Alcohol and breastfeeding

I had some friends and family come over to celebrate the birth of my baby... I had a beer and half (5% alcohol) and didn’t end up pumping until 6 hours later. The last sip of alcohol I had was around 10pm, I went to sleep, then woke up to pump because I was engorged at 4:30am. I felt relaxed when I was drinking, not even tispy or buzzed. When I woke up to pump I felt sober again. I was planning on just pumping and dumping just to be safe, but this morning I pumped SO much milk. 5oz on each boob. I guess I’m just wondering if I should throw it away? Or keep it... The friend that convinced me to indulge in a beer or two told me that the milk will be okay as long as I wait until the alcohol leaves my system. But idk, I feel skeptical lol.