First word


When does it count lol. My mom said when she looks at, for example, me and says "mom". Well it's hard to tell... I have an 8.5 month old daughter and around 6ish months in one if her meltdowns she yelled "mmmmum mum!" I figured a fluke, as she hadn't said it again until this past week. She says "mumma/mum" when she's pissed off and wants me to pick her up. Maybe 7/10 times..Lol or kind of in general if she's in her exersaucer and wants out she'll whine and cry and if I'm not fast enough she let's out a "mummma" I'm going to try get a video one of these times lol would you count that as first word? Or wait until you know FOR SURE. I'm 98% sure she knows I'm "momma" FTM so not sure if I should count this ;)