Posting anon cause im ashamed

My son is almost 3 and he does not stop with the tantrums , if it's not crying cause he wants to go to the park or crying cause we left, or if I'm laying on my side of the bed and he wants to be there, he will literally punch my SO and try to push him off the bed. It's a tantrum about everything and when we go out it's 10x worse. I love my boy but I'm finding myself staring at the clock almost everyday waiting and hoping for it to be his bedtime. Idk what to do anymore I feel like I've tried everything. I have made a post about his tantrums several times and moms are just like try this or this, I've tried it all believe me. Idk what else to do. Everyday turns into a nightmare, every trip, every outing. He is so hateful to me and to other kids he literally almost pushed my neice [barely 2] down the basement stairs idk why. Me and my SO are going crazy all day and just want one minute of peace. We get into fights alot because its so frustrating for us. I dont even know who i am anymore. I hardly leave the house or have fun( meaning do stuff I like or want to do). We dont go on dates cause of how my son acts it just adds more tension. I know children are hard but I didn't expect it to be this. None of my neice and nephews act this way. I cry a lot because it's so freaking hard.