L&D then contractions stop... wtf


I’ve been having contractions since 10pm last night. They were coming every 3-4 mins lasting 1-2mins, it was uncomfortable but tolerable so I didn’t go to the L&D, today they kept coming ever 3-4 mins lasting still 1-2 mins but they got more painful and started at my back. The contractions would not improve with changing positions, baths or anything so I called L&D and was told to come in to be evaluated. Once we get there, and I’m taken into the triage room, they stop.... I was like WTF! I was still having pains but it was very dull, but the sharp regular contractions had stopped to the point that they never got any reading on the monitors.

They checked my cervix and said I was 2.5cm but they are going to go with 2cm and 30% effaced.

They gave me the option of coming back in 2hr to be re-evaluated. I declined.

I’m super frustrated that after everything it’s still not time. Has anyone been throu this??