Old lady called the cops on me...


So this passed Monday I went to the grocery store with my LO to buy more baby food. As we get into the store he begins to throw a fit ... I had him in my baby carrier facing outward so when I got to the baby isle I took him out to face him towards my chest so I could calm him down ... now the way my baby likes to calm down is with a bounce and patting on his butt.. also when he cries , he CRIES ... well an older lady happened to walk by and proceeded to lecture me about “spanking” my baby... and how he was way to little to be spanked... pretty much made me feel like shit saying that I was abusing my baby.. oh I was FURIOUS... number one I was in no way spanking my child! I told her to please mind her own business where then she replied with a “no, I’m not” . I had to defend myself which lead to an argument where she threatened to call the cops on me which she did!! No charges were filed because video footage showed that I was not abusing my son! But the officer still had to report it and I still MIGHT get a call from CPS for a follow up.. I’m just so upset that this had to happen in the first place... only person who knows this happen is my husband (and boy was he pissed) I’m embarrassed to vent to others about it 😟 I try to be a good mom and take care of my baby and make him happy and this happens! I didn’t even do anything wrong 😢