I need advice while I wait 😭😭😭

Sarai • Mommy of 3 amazing teenagers!

Here’s the short version I found out I was pregnant last Wednesday went to confirm pregnancy doc said I was going on 4 Wks he did vaginal ultrasound and everything, this is my rainbow baby so we were so happy! So this morning I wake up with crazy cramping like it would not stop I called doctor they said it sounded like an emergency so I should go to ER, so I got to ER they do blood work,urine and vaginal sonó and then doc comes and tells me if I’m sure I’m pregnant because there’s no sign I’ve been pregnant.... 😮 I’m like wait what? He’s like are you sure there was a sac and I’m like yes so I show him the sonó video I took when I went to my obgyn he’s like well your hcg levels are not high and we did not see anything in your uterus, he’s like sorry for the bad news I’ll get your discharge paperwork.... 😮😟😭😮 so I hold back tears and he says “we won’t do a DNC today” so I go home and Im like so confused because I have not bled my cramping is gone and I am just confused how was there a sac last week and now he says there’s nothing like I never had a pregnancy and I’m suppose to be 6 weeks tomorrow.. I don’t know has anyone been through this? I called my obgyn they said the earliest they could see me is Monday st 8am so my fiancé is like “you are staying in bed until the “ I’m freaking out can someone please tell me if you been through this???