Would you consider adoption if you got pregnant unplanned, and you knew you couldn’t afford a third baby? Or would you keep baby, and do the best you could?

Okay, so my partner and I have been together for 11 years. We have an older daughter, and my son just turned a year old in May. We just found out that I’m about six weeks along, and we are both panicking. We were being ‘careful’ obviously not trying for a third little one. Now we are really concerned about how we are going to afford three. 😓 I was just about to get my tubes tied, but found out I was pregnant instead. What would you do? Does anyone have any advice? I feel horrible for even considering adoption, but I’m really scared. I want to keep my baby, and it’s really hard even trying to put myself in the right mindset to just hand it away. ☹️

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