A year and a half


I had my first miscarriage/d&c a year and a half ago a month after my fiancé proposed to me. We didn’t think we could get pregnant so it was very hard on the both of us when the doctor told us that the pregnancy had to end because the baby stopped developing. It’s been very hard on me because my best friend has now had her second child and my sister in law is pregnant with her third and is bragging all about it. She got mad at me because she said I seemed as if I didn’t care. Little did she know I was holding back tears. I know time heals all wounds and this is something I will never forget but some days I do find it harder to deal with than others and no one I know understands what I’m going through. I feel like I can’t talk to anyone about this. We’re going to be really trying after the wedding but I have a huge fear that this will happen again. And I don’t know if I can go through that again.