We did a kind of oopsie


Ugghhh I hate being this person but because I was never given a proper sex ed class I feel like this and my gyno are the only places I can really ask questions. But ok here it is

So my bf and I were finishing up the ‘do’ when he almost came in me unexpectedly. He got out in time to get me on the top of me but we are afraid some of it rolled down before we could clean me up. Now I made sure to pee and I’ve been on the NuvaRing for a while now, so I guess I’m just asking should I take extra precautions such as Plan B? The bad thing is today is the first day of my fertile week and that make ms me a little anxious to think about. Typically we use a condom but we both slipped and just didn’t use it. Thank you in advance for the advice and I’ll try and be more responsible 😅😅😅😅😅