Who’s really the selfish one? Monster in law 🙄

Sorry for the long post/rant. Thank you for you comments and listening 🙏🏼

I’ve been with my SO and bit over a year now and we are expecting our first child soon, SO mother was nice in the beginning very welcoming and loving, but after a while her true colors showed. She’s disrespected her son multiple times and I’ve found her to be a very selfish and manipulative user. She walks all over my SO and his siblings and uses every single one of them. We told her in February the we needed the space in our apartment as our family is growing so she had a couple months to figure it out and find another place to live, we even helped her look for apartments! And to this day she never found an apartment only called three places and instead moved in to his siblings. And all her stuff is still in our apartment and now it’s our responsibility to ship it an hour away to store for her at her convenience. We only have a two bedroom apartment that’s very small with me my SO and our large dog and up to our eyeballs in baby stuff. She even got mad and childish when we asked her to switch her case to where she’s living so when baby gets here we are able to get the help we need cuz I’ll be out on leave. We have given her 4-5 months of time to get her affairs in order and even tried to work with her to get stuff done and whatever numbers she needed etc. and she still didn’t do anything only the absolute bare minimum to placate my SO because she thought she could just walk all over him and get what she wants. And then she thinks she’s going to watch my baby all the time or something or be here for weeks afterwards. No way! She’s an alcoholic and an addict, likes to drink and drive, thinks it’s okay to smoke in my house wherever, is very irresponsible. There’s no way in hell im entrusting my new born baby to you. My SO siblings might think it’s okay and are just used to her being like this but I’m not I was raised different, I would not feel like I was doing my job as a mother to trust someone like that with a newborn. I don’t agree with her decisions and I don’t agree with the way she treats my SO but I’ve been nothing but nice to her and would not deny her from seeing her grand baby and I would not ever just blatantly disrespect her. She’s a grown woman and can do as she pleases, but when it comes to my home and my child that’s where boundaries come into play and rules need to be met and that’s all I ask, it’s not like I’m not letting my SO ever see her again or not letting her ever see her grand baby. And I’ve been super busy preparing for this baby and being so dam tired I can’t even stay awake all day I end up passing out and taking naps so I haven’t been to visit his side of the family in like maybe a month and SO mother is all butt hurt thinking I hate everyone. I don’t hate anyone not even her, I love his family I just don’t agree with some things but as long as it doesn’t affect my home or my child idgaf carry on. My SO tried to pick her up the past two weekends so she could get some of her stuff around and she doesn’t come for some reason. I dont know what my SO has told them but I even told him multiple times I don’t hate your mother I just don’t agree with what she does and what she does to you or the fact that she’s blatantly selfish and has put her responsibilities on our shoulder to bare for her. I feel bad half the time for everything because that is his mother but at the same time it’s like what else are we to do we can all fit here and I don’t need that stress and unhealthy environment around me or my child. Like am I the asshole here? Am I asking too much? If you read this far thank you so much and you input would be awesome 🙏🏼