Opinions wanted/Mini Rant


Being very fat, and I do mean fat (I don't really consider it a negative term but just a very accurate term for me), I am actually quite confident in myself and my appearance. I wear crop tops, shorts, I pretty much only have bikinis, etc. There are very few things about my body I truly dislike, one being my wings, or flabby arms as most people probably call them, and the second the size of my chest and butt.

I feel like for being as large as I am, my chest is kind of small in comparison (I'm a 26/28 and I wear a 46C bra). On the opposite side, I feel like my butt is too big. I can almost never find pants or short shorts that cover my whole butt, pants don't pull up far enough to full cover and short shorts always show bottom cheek (pic below of a pair of shorts I absolutely love but don't wear often because booty exposure)

I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has these issues? Idk if I'm just overthinking it or if this is something other people can relate to.

P.S.: sorry for the long post, just wanted to get it off my chest so it's kind of a mini rant