Upset about everything

Anyone else feel as if they're parenting their children alone? Today my son had a nap on the car ride home and didn't wake until almost 9 pm of course I was very tired but me being the mother I am I stayed up with him while my hubby slept... This turned out to be an all nighter and my son is fussy by 3 am whining and crying for just about everything so my hubby woke up and the first thing he says is what am I doing to him to make him cry... Oh and my son was crying to eat (again) after I just made him food 5 minutes before and he ate half of it then decided he wanted bubble gum and that's the reason he was crying but obviously you can't have bubble gum at 3 am.. hubby even had the nerve to ask if I fed my son in the day.. like wtf... How dare you be upset with me for taking care of our child and letting you sleep.. isn't this supposed to be a two person job even if he's the only one working? Just because he wakes at early hours and goes to work doesn't mean he doesn't need to help me out right???? I'm literally so upset and feel like I do everything just because I don't have a job I shouldn't complain when I'm tired because I'm not "busting my ass all day" like he does at work