Night time sleep


My sweet little boy is 10 weeks today! He was a small baby 6 lbs at birth, but has been gaining appropriate weight and weighed 11.3 lbs 4 days ago. I mainly breastfeed him and he feeds every 2-3 hours in the morning, but every 2 hours OR LESS at night! He falls sleeps usually on his own at 6-7pm (or he gets super fussy), and wakes to feed every 2 hours until he wakes up at 7am. This has been his schedule since birth, so at least I know what to expect.

So I’ve tried feeding him more ounces from the bottle at night, but he still wakes up to feed every 2 hours. I also tried mixing formula with breast milk like someone suggested, but he still wakes up every 2 hours. Any suggestions on how I can get him to sleep just a little longer at night, or do I just have to wait it out? Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks in advance!