About to give up breastfeeding

👾🍤 • 👼🏼 👶🏻 👶🏻

I am just about to quit breastfeeding. This is the most frustrating thing I’ve ever done in my life. I was so excited to breastfeed my baby. I started right away in the hospital and the first night everyone said I was doing a great job. Well all of a sudden my baby’s bilirubin levels cane back and they said she was jaundiced and isn’t feeding well. The lactation consultant said she has a tongue tie but thinks she could still latch but was too busy to help me. I was discharged and told to come back and have levels redrawn well they continued to get worse so they told me I had to supplement formula. I started supplementing and it got to the point baby was wanting 2 oz of formula after every breastfeeding session. Well by 2 weeks old I managed to ween her off the formula by just feeding her constantly at the breast. Well at her one month doctors appointment she had only gained a little weight and dropped to 21st percentile. Next appointment a week later she gained a good 6 ozs but still dropped to 18th percentile. Pedi isn’t too worried about it but she literally eats constantly if she isn’t asleep she’s at the breast. I try pumping to build supply and create a stash for when I go back to work well I can only get 2ozs of milk total from both breasts in a 24 hr period. And unfortunately it just seems things are getting worse. :( I’m ready to give up which is breaking my heart because I love the bonding time but now I’m starting to feel I’m torturing her and she’s hungry.