Genetic testing: yes or no?!

Hey Ladies! I am 28 years to conceive for about 3 years. I have PCOS, irregular periods and not ovulating on time. I got pregnant last year, but ended up being a Blighted Ovum (no embryo, empty gestation sac). So I decided to go to a Fertility specialist to not waste time.

Now we are preparing for the first <a href="">IUI</a> cycle with Latrazole. I've done all blood work, ultrasound, etc and everything came back good. The last thing that I have to decide is if to have e Genetic testing or not?!

It's optional and my doctor is waiting for my response. What would you do ladies in my situation?

As far as i know we don't have any genetic illnesses in our family history, but you never know and we would not probably be prepared to have a sick baby :( But the same time I am just afraid of any results ( i'm very sensitive and could cry and wory a whole 9 months period, if I get pregnant)