Stopped mini pill & no period

Shelby • adeline’s mama 102418 | 👼🏻 011220 | ttc #2 | dog mum | artist 🎨

So when I was like almost 6 weeks pp, I got my period back (or I thought it was my period..?) and then at my 6 week pp check up, I started on the mini pill. I was told I wouldn’t get an actual period, but I may spot for a couple of days at a time. All was well until like a month ago I was spotting like every other day for a couple of weeks and it was really annoying so I stopped the pill altogether. But it’s been about a month now and I haven’t gotten a period again. I’m still breastfeeding though so I know it’s normal to not have a period but I technically did already get my period back, it was just right before I started birth control 4 months ago lol. I just figured I would’ve gotten one by now after stopping the pill? 🤔 Anyone had something similar happen?