i’m so uncomfirtable

there’s this one girl that hit my boyfriend up a while ago, not sexually but because she liked the music he makes. she probably would have made advances on him if i didn’t exist, but she’s respectful towards me and started talking to me after he told her about me. i’m 16 and so is she so right now i would consider myself pretty asexual, as i’m i’m interested in having sex or anything right now. i won’t lie and say i haven’t done anything like that, because i have, but in general i would rather do other things. her on the other hand, has been trying to have sex since she was about 12 i believe. she would always ask me how it felt and it makes me uncomfortable to talk about because it’s personal and i don’t think it’s right. she would basically pressure me to tell her “techniques” and let me remind you, IM 16 and i’ve only done it once with my boyfriend who i’ve been with for two years! anyways, this morning she posted a whole bunch of videos of her losing her virginity, and i’m talking all the graphic imagery. it was literally child porn. i hate to be that girl, but it sucks knowing that now my boyfriend is going to see one of my friends naked. my main issue is that i literally did not want to see it. i hate watching porn in general and having to watch my friend doing it made me feel sick. i talked to my boyfriend about it and he acted like it was no big deal. she’s just kind of like that and so it’s not a surprise but it was still really disgusting to open it up because i couldn’t see it from the preview. i’m sorry for ranting it just really triggered me i guess. thank you for listening if you did and i’m sorry if it was long. if you have any advice for me please let me know, i already reported it and blocked her but i’m not going to have my boyfriend do that because they’re really close