Alone with boyfriends parents and they don’t talk to me

So my boyfriend and I are long distance. He usually visits me since he has a more flexible school schedule but I just went up to visit him and his family. I hadn’t seen his family in over a year so was excited and knew it meant a lot to him that I was there. Well his parents are nice and polite but have never really cared about getting to know me. I was hoping now that it’s been a year there would be a lot to talk about and all. Well we were having dinner my boyfriends brother needed something for a project and they realized the store closed early. It was 20 minutes there and back and I knew my bf was hesitant to take his brother since I was there but I said go since he needs your help. So they run out and I am there with his parents at the dinner table. We just started eating so I was stuck. I thought hmm maybe this will help me get closer to them since I have only talked to them with my bf there. Well no they did not talk to me or include me in their conversations about their businesses and expenses well I just listened. His parents constantly talk about their business so it’s not like they needed to discuss stuff at that moment. I tried to make my way into convo but just listened mainly. I just find it very rude of them to be like that to me.

I legit felt like I was in middle school and trying to fit in with the popular kids. I told my boyfriend after how great it was I got to talk to his parents for almost an hour and how they asked how my school and how my family is and he goes that’s great and then I said nicely actually they just talked about their business and his face dropped since he always tells me he knows how hard I try to be friendly with them. I totally 100% know I don’t fit in with them and it’s so hard since I know they don’t want me with their son. And honestly I love him so much and know his family means a lot to him that I want them all to be happy. Can anyone relate?