Are there any moms out there that never switched their baby's formula to Stage 2?

My daughter is still on Stage 1 Hipp organic formula because I didn't want to switch to stage 2 because it doesn't have DHA & ALA. I give her a multivitamin supplement to make sure she's getting her other essential vitamins such as iron, vitamin d, e & a. I've also checked and she's getting more than enough calcium for her age.

My daughter is 9 months, weighs 18lbs, and is about 26.75 inches. But my mom came back from her five week trip and is saying my daughter looks really small now. I'm worried because she does look she a bit skinnier now that she mentioned it. But according to Glow's growth chart, she's right on her growth line for weight. For height however, it did dip if that makes sense. She eats about 24 ounces of formula and eats 2-4 ounces of solids a day.

Are there any moms out there that never switched? How did your baby grow? Did they seem fine? The formula does say suitable from birth and onwards. Her pedi was okay with it too at the last check up.