How can I overcome?

My husband told me today that our decision to have another child Is putting major stress on him and that it wasnt a wise decision on our part. I'm sad and hurt, because we were trying for 9 months! We both wanted this and it isnt fair hes suddenly switching up on me. Neither of us expected for the pregnancy to be high risk or for me to be on so many restrictions. I cant work because of it so I'm a SAHM now, I do all that I can around the house, clean, do laundry, pick up drop off our 2 boys from school and now they are out for the summer so it works out we dont have to have family help us, because I can stay with them. It seems to me he is more bothered that he had to get a 2nd job, to make up for me not working. We aren't on any kind of assistance because we dont qualify with his income, but I mean I'm just hurt and the baby isnt even born and I'm already struggling with depression, which hes told me in the past that he hates. I'm at a loss and sad.

What would you say?