He done what

Today I told the guy I’m seeing how I liked when he puts his hands in my hair or touches my head (like with kissing and hugging that kind of stuff) and so he kept doing it every time and oh my god I fucking loved it I was so turned on

We always kiss tilting our heads one way and so I mentioned kissing the other way and we did it was good, then ... I went in to kiss him and he said “don’t you like it more the other way” then grabbed my hair and kissed me (not in the forceful way in the hot dominant way) and I loved that too

He also fucking lifted me up and kissed me against a wall and once again oh my god it was so fucking hot

Next time we go out I’m going to ask for hickeys because I’ve never had or given one the only reason I didn’t this time is because I go on holiday with my school in next week and I don’t want to explain all the hickeys to teachers or class mates