It’s been a bad day

shelby • Za’Niyah 04|16|20 🧸 🤱🏽

I want a baby so bad .. I’ve cried and I’ve prayed I’ve seen so many negatives that I don’t think I’ll ever be blessed to see those two line I see so many moms on here and I’m soooo happy for them but in the back of my head I’m sad because I want to wake up to the name mommy being called , I want to wake up and see something so beautiful that me and my s/o made 😭

I do everything “right” I eat right, I’ve lost 30 pounds, I’m exercising , etc

There is nothing wrong i have no problems and I have regular periods

I feel like I’m not meant to be a mom 😭

I’m ovulating today and I’m praying this is my month 🙏🏽

1 year of trying