Awful smell after sex.

Hi all

I’ve been having a number of vulval/vaginal/pelvic issues since I had my last baby six years ago. It started off with dryness and tearing and progressed to frequent infections, pelvic pain, discharge etc. had tried cortisone treatment, been checked for every STI under the sun, had thrush treatments monthly, had a biopsy, nothing has had a long lasting effect and I’ve had no answers. I also wear cotton underwear, wash only with water, no tight fitting clothes, eat yogurt, drink water and take probiotics.

Now most of my symptoms have been managed with a good lube, and not flare up occasionally, but the lasting problem is an awful smell and discharge for several days after sex. It only happens when hubby comes in me, so it’s obviously a reaction to his semen, but we’ve been having sex for 16 years, so why now? It is best described as an off fish smell with greenish or sometimes watery discharge and it goes away by itself after a few days f no sex. I have been checked for BV multiple times and it’s come up negative. Has this happened to anyone else? Anyone know what it could be? Hubby is understanding but it is embarrassing. Sometimes the smell is so bad it’s clear anyone around me could smell it.