Is this relationship even worth trying to work out?

expecting our first child in 4 months, before I got pregnant me and my boyfriend used to go clubbing together but one time while I was in the toilet he tried to chat up any other woman, I’ve said since I’m pregnant I don’t want him to be going clubs but he lies to me constantly about where he is or he’ll turn his phone off he’s been saying for 3 days in a row he’ll come and stay over at 12pm and always calls me around 4 am talking about he’s sorry. I feel like he’s back to clubbing and possibly cheating he never asks to see me I feel like it’s always me trying to make plans and he always hides his phone am I wrong for wanting to end the relationship or is this something petty?

Yes I’ve spoke. To him about it and it’s always I’m sorrry I’ll change

I want a woman’s opinion?

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