Let's Be Real!

Let's be real here!

Stop blaming baby mamas for a lot of the shit that goes on! Some of ya'll new girlfriends and wives are just as bad to the majority!

However, you get to hide behind the title and be a bully but when the BM complains then we are bitter and need to move on. I swear! Some of us actually want to get to know you. Be friends. Talk. Shop. All of the fucking above. Some of us are extremely down to earth and decent women but we get treated like the rest of these true bitter women who are mad that the man moved on. Girl please, if you're good then I'm good. You don't have anything I want or miss!

Shit, some of us have moved on and are glad he did too. So why can't we leave it at that? Why is it okay for ya'll to be bullies and talk down to us and about us but we can't defend ourselves against your insecurities and jealousy. Or lies?

My child's father's wife literally told me I don't put my child first and THEY HAVEN'T SPENT 1 MOMENT WITH HER! I'm trying to understand where the hell do you have room to tell me I'm not a good mother but that you'll be a better mother to my child? Seriously?! And he says and does nothing. Nothing to defend me as his child's mother and nothing to defend you as his wife. So what was the point in even saying all of that to me? He won't even show up to see his child but threatens court every fucking moment he gets just to say he is doing "something". I have gone above and beyond to make things happen for my child and her relationship with her father! HE WON'T SHOW UP! Only after you talk to him you realize I was telling the truth but yet to apologize and instead say I must be doing something else as to why he isn't showing up! Girl grow the hell up! You are 47 years old acting 16!

Fuck you both! The reality is you are still mad at him and taking it out on me but I can't say that publicly because no one will listen or believe it. I'll be called the jealous one and need to move on when really I've been wanting to talk to you to let you know I have no hard feelings. I'm a very secure woman within myself and as a mother. To hell with being nice.

If my post isn't allowed please by all means delete.