Pre labor symptoms

It’s finally our time!! 40+5 and was supposed to be induced tonight. Little man had other plans. Contractions started at 8PM last night. For those who have had Braxton Hicks, the contractions felt similar, with waves of pain in my back and stomach with the BH. Usually I’d just feel short of breath with BH, but real contractions definitely had a little extra kick. Around 12AM I started noticing leaking (I put on a Depends before bed because of the decision ever). The fluid was blood-tinged and a little yellow but didn’t smell. Went back to bed and woke up at 3AM with more leaking. Confirmed my water broke at the hospital.

For those of you looking for signs before labor, or how I induced my hubby and I spent the day running some errands so I was a little more active than usual. But other than that, I took it easy and just relaxed because I knew my time was coming soon. I did have a strange thing happen to me in the afternoon..I got a Charlie horse in my groin/upper thigh that wouldn’t go away and had a very strong urge to poop, but couldn’t go. I felt very full and with a lot of pressure in my pelvis. Other than that, I didn’t have any weird symptoms or “signs.” I didn’t even have a bloody show or lose much of a mucus plug.

Hope this helps someone who is looking for some labor symptoms. I know I was and when nothing was happening I was thinking this guy would never come out! Good luck to all the other mama’s who still have to deliver this month!