I feel scared about being neglected while pregant

So I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant and my partner was overjoyed when we found out but lately I’ve been dealing with a lot of mood swings and have been very emotional and when I start crying he just walks out of the room and ignores it. This hasn’t happened before, he’d always try to talk to me and help. Even as far as pain goes, when I used to have period cramps/ be sick he’d get me medicine, rub my back talk to me, now when I get cramps/feel sick he just ignores it. I’ve tried to talk to him about it but he just brushes it off. I can’t seem to understand his behavior as he’s excited about the baby and everything but seems to be so ignorant when I’m struggling and feeling pain. I also asked him to accompany me to first doctor/midwife appointment and he said no, it’s boring. I feel scared that I’ll be just left alone to deal with all the labor and post labor, baby, pain, emotions, everything without any support. Have any of you experienced you partner acting like this through pregnancy? What should I do? As said, I tried talking to him without any success, I don’t know really what to say/do.