Can’t stop worrying


So my doctor recently diagnosed me high risk I am 7 weeks and have had 4 losses since my son was born 22 months ago. I had a chemical and blighted ovium and and two other miscarriages. I have high blood pressure and a history of preeclampsia. That aside I am super nauseated the last two weeks and so tierd. I had my hcg levels tested at 6 weeks and they were 50 363 and I know they can very from pregnancy to pregnancy but they seem high and I worry it’s a sign of a molar pregnancy or another blighted ovium. I was 10 weeks when I was finally diagnosed with my blighted ovium before back and fourth to the doctors for ultrasounds and I’m just so worried to go through that again. I don’t remember my hcg levels bieng so high before. Anyone have two blighted ovium or molar pregnancy and did u have a feeling I’m so worried to get my hopes up for a health pregnancy. First ultrasound Friday so hopefully some answers