
Kaitlyn • 24yo👩‍🚒Married💏 mom of one TTC #2

So this may be stupid to be worried about. But I'm 20 I've been on birth control since I was 13 for my periods because I became anemic and all sorts of issues followed that when I was younger. Diagnosed w/ endometriosis at 18 at 19 got an IUD put in and now at 20 off birth control for a couple months now cause my husband and I want a child really bad. But have been failing. I guess my question is can being on birth control pills for so long be playing a factor in it. Cause everyone that I've talked to that had an IUD and got it taken out were pregnant within the first month and if not then the second. But I also dont know anyone else who was on birth control for as long and as young as I am. I mean shit my aunt just had twins and got pregnant on birth control. I dont really know if I have the right to be frustrated or upset yet.