So depressed

We’ve been trying for our first baby since September 2017. I was diagnosed with PCOS in July 2018 and I’ve been devastated ever since. We’ve tried clomid and just finished my second round of fremara. I’m also on metformin. I am overweight as well which I know isn’t helping. My doctor said if the fremara doesn’t work, I will be referred to a RE. I’ve been really depressed and annoyed with this whole process lately. A few months ago, I had a few faint positives but the doctor stated they were false positives which broke me even more. Almost every female I work with is pregnant and I feel like I see a new pregnancy announcement every day on Facebook. Just last week, two coworkers announced their pregnancy. I’ve had to sit through so many baby showers at work within the last year and I can’t stand to anymore that I try to make excuses to get out of them (which makes me feel like a horrible person). I am also a social worker and I work with parents everyday that could care less about their children. I am really losing my faith and hopes of ever having a family. My own family keeps questioning when we are going to have a baby since we’ve been married almost 4 years and I just avoid the questions but it breaks me inside I can’t give my husband a baby. I just don’t know what to do or where else to turn. I cry every single day about this process and I don’t know how much more of it I can take. I just keep questioning when is it going to be my turn???

Sorry for this long depressing post but I just had to get this out somewhere!!!