What would you do?

Kris🕷 • 19🌿 My boy is here!

How are your partners with their kids?

I had my son two months ago and we’re attached at the hip, not because I’m his mom and I stay with him all day. But because his dad barely helps.

He’s never woken up to help him in the middle of the night but he wakes me up to do it. He works 4-6 hours day, 5 days a week, but when he gets home he says he’s too tired to watch the baby so I can shower. Even on his off days! He complains about making bottles or changing diapers. But the few times that has, as soon as he cries or starts to get upset, he rushes me from whatever I’m doing to take him. The one day I had a day to myself, he called me and made a huge deal about the baby freaking out, after me being out of the house for 4 hours.

It makes me so frustrated. It’s like he doesn’t even want to get to know his son. Didn’t even take the time to get on his birth certificate. He doesn’t even know his fucking birthday.

I’ve talked to him about it and all he says is that i always think he’s not doing enough and that he’s doing enough for our son. Then he calls me lazy and says that I don’t do enough for anyone.