Baby story/Update!!


This is my baby boy Jaxon Reid!

Jaxon was born 5 weeks early on June 8, 2019 he weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces. Overall Jaxon is a healthy baby but somehow (the doctor didn’t say how) he lost oxygen to his brain causing brain damage. Jax and I are now at home, my boyfriend has been a big help and we’re doing great, but since jax had a loss of oxygen to his brain they (the doctors) said that he could possibly have a little brain damage and they said he could start to have seizures but will only have a possibility of them for the first month of his life and since he’s so little they said if not treated within the first 20 minutes he could die. We are being as careful as possible but with my boyfriend and I being 14, it’s been hard not knowing what to look for. Our doctor said that he could have seizures but didn’t give us any signs...Other than that Jaxon has been such a good baby, he doesn’t cry much and when he does cry, it’s only because he’s hungry. Being a teen mom has been difficult in some situations but I wouldn’t change it for the world!! Being 14 and pregnant isn’t what I expected for myself, but it happened. During my pregnancy I was told it was high risk because I was so young, and stressing didn’t help much either. Jaxon was born 5 weeks early because I was stressed. I feel like a bad mom because I feel like I am the reason he has the brain issues that he has..hopefully I can be a great mom to Jaxon and hopefully he will love me just as much as I love him❤️