Tips for flying with baby?


Looking for any tips/tricks/advice for flying with a six month old. We leave on Thursday morning and it’s a two hour flight. He is super laid back and happy, but is starting to get to a point where he gets bored sitting too long. Thankfully he loves his Nukie, and it’s an early flight so I’m hoping he will nap... 🤞🏻 We are traveling light, just using my Ergo carrier and a diaper bag. (My parents are driving to our destination so they will bring all of our luggage and car seat so we don’t have to travel with that.) Any must haves or must avoids? Also, he is exclusively breastfed, so I don’t have to worry about bringing bottles/formula or anything. I’m wondering if I should buy a manual pump just in case, though. I’m not bringing my Spectra along, but in case I need to do a little extra pumping ? What do you think? Thanks in advance!