I don’t love my baby enough

I’m about 5 weeks PP and i don’t feel that indescribable love for my baby that everyone talks about. I’ve always heard people say “I never knew it was possible to love someone this much” when they talk about their babies and I honestly don’t know what they’re talking about. I love my daughter deeply, but I just don’t think I love her as much as I’m supposed to. When she was born I felt very in love with her, and then at some point that feeling went away. I don’t mind being her mom, but I don’t feel like it’s life-changing or like this love I have for her is overwhelming me. It’s just like, she’s my kid, I love her and that’s it. When I leave the house I’m not constantly thinking of her or in a huge hurry to get back to her. But I know if I were to be away from her overnight or for an extended period of time, I’d be thinking of her and missing her a whole lot.

I did struggle with really bad baby blues during the first few weeks, but it went away around 3 weeks PP. I don’t feel depressed or unhappy, I just feel kind of... blah. When I was pregnant I had major anxiety about losing the baby and I felt this great, huge love for her, and now I just don’t. I love her but I don’t think it’s enough. I feel like a terrible mother and I never expected to feel this way. I got so wrapped up in that unthinkable mother-baby love that everyone talks about, and I just don’t know why I don’t feel that way. I feel like she deserves more love than I have to give and I hate myself for it.