My ex is pregnant


Thank you glow for being my sounding board .

Back story : with my ex for 15 years since I was 15; a series of events from her cheating on me to me lying about going to work at a job I lost because of my actions. Those two things hit our relationship hardest. She was my best friend, she was my everything, she loved me; something I had never felt before (my mom wasn’t your typical mom).

The current : We had a intense separation (we weren’t “together”, but still lived and did “together” things), she moved out we still communicated, I started to become involved with someone I used to know (whom is now my fiancé..) my ex found out (she does not like her, solely on the foundation that she’s the only one that captivated me!) after she found out, all hell broke out, and my fiancé took it upon herself to call her and that stirred up the pot

My ex moves back to Washington, my fiancé moves from Washington to az with her 11 year old son (not my seed, but i call him my son).

My ex before she leaves took my savings and checking and money in my safe, yes I know we still had a joint account and she still had a key, when she moved out she didn’t have enough funds to rent a storage so I let her keep her things in the garage. For an excuse lol she was my best friend and I’ve been with her since I was 15, she’s the only one I trusted.

So the current today : get a message from a mutual friend saying ; hey I didn’t know Nichelle was pregnant; and I say shoot me either

The thing is all my family is my ex’s blood family. No matter what we’re connected, so I have no one to vent to. There’s no way in hell im talking this out with my fiancé. She’s a lot more fire temper then I knew before we became engaged , which is why we’ve been engaged for almost 2 years.

I read that and felt a lot of pressure then I thought about how me and my fiancé have been TTC and when we did my dead lady decides that was the time to begin a intense workout regime, and we lost our baby and haven’t yet been able to conceive. So I almost cried maybe a tear or to but then I felt bad and then I felt like why do I feel anything. I had to get it off my chest. I can’t even talk to my moms about it because like I said she’s not the typical mom lol her words of wisdom come behind a empty liquor bottle.

So glow fam thank you again for letting me vent it out!